
Diving offshore
Offshore wind farms are becoming more prevalent across the globe and form part of the overall effort to ensure sustainability. In order for the turbines and foundations to last as long as possible, a thorough inspection is required, not only of the energy-generating turbine but also underwater. At Nordic Marine Service we can help with these underwater inspections and maintenance work, which can consist of both inspection and maintenance of concrete, steel and cable tracé as well as replacement of cathodic protection etc. The inspectors can be carried out with ROV and or divers. Nordic Marine Service has just completed inspection of 20 offshore wind mills, where the work consisted of cleaning key points, inspection and replacement of anodes with detailed report as of the results. The customer will subsequently receive video documentation and a report, which overall contributes to the further and future maintenance plan, so that the customer can ensure continued operation of the turbines. 📱Tlf.: +45 6222 3085 🖥️ Mail:
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Tlf.: +45 6222 3085